Youth Development Program (YDP) Application
The APA Player Development Program would like to invite all interested youth players to join the Youth Development Program for the year. The Youth Development Program is open to all APA members under the age of 21. Membership is good for one year, resetting on December 31st. Membership fee is $45 for the year.
- Coaching at tournaments
- Invitations to YDP specific events, clinics and camps
- Mentorship in a variety of topics (horsemanship, polocrosse skills, traveling tips/connections, etc.)
- Quarterly virtual calls
- A YDP hoodie
- Automatically “long listed” for all YDP tours
- A current APA member is good standing
- You must be under 21 as of January 1st of the year you apply for membership
- You must have access to at least one qualified horse (NOTE: number of horses required may be different if you are applying to be a part of a specific event or tour)
- You may be asked to seek sponsors and/or participate in fundraising for the YDP, as appropriate for planned activities. This money will not apply to any one person’s account for clinics, camps, or tours.
- YDP membership is contingent upon following the APA Code of Conduct and can be revoked at the discretion of the PDP Chairperson without reimbursement